Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Two thousand mice dropped on Guam by parachute — to kill snakes - U.S. News

Two thousand mice dropped on Guam by parachute — to kill snakes - U.S. News

Hiking in a nuclear disaster zone | Liz Thomas: Adventure Hiking

Hiking in a nuclear disaster zone | Liz Thomas: Adventure Hiking

45 Life Lessons, written by a 90 year old

45 Life Lessons, written by a 90 year old Alex K.

45 Life Lessons, written by a 90 year old

45 Life Lessons, written by a 90 year old Alex K.

Here's How Walmart Could Pay Workers a Decent Wage Without Raising Prices | Mother Jones

Here's How Walmart Could Pay Workers a Decent Wage Without Raising Prices | Mother Jones

Grantland Channel on the coach who never punts - Grantland

Grantland Channel on the coach who never punts - Grantland

How Long Can You Reasonably Expect Your Hard Drive To Last? | Motherboard

How Long Can You Reasonably Expect Your Hard Drive To Last? | Motherboard

Bad taxidermy is the perfect mix of hilarious and terrifying | Death and Taxes

Bad taxidermy is the perfect mix of hilarious and terrifying | Death and Taxes

Uncensored Instagrams From North Korea Buck Brutal Trend of Secrecy | Raw File | Wired.com

Uncensored Instagrams From North Korea Buck Brutal Trend of Secrecy | Raw File | Wired.com

McSweeney’s Internet Tendency: Retail Therapy: Inside the Apple Store: What’s Up With Your iPhone?

McSweeney’s Internet Tendency: Retail Therapy: Inside the Apple Store: What’s Up With Your iPhone?

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

When We Lose Antibiotics, Here's Everything Else We'll Lose Too - Wired Science

When We Lose Antibiotics, Here's Everything Else We'll Lose Too - Wired Science

If we really lost antibiotics to advancing drug resistance — and trust me, we’re not far off — here’s what we would lose. Not just the ability to treat infectious disease; that’s obvious.
But also: The ability to treat cancer, and to transplant organs, because doing those successfully relies on suppressing the immune system and willingly making ourselves vulnerable to infection. Any treatment that relies on a permanent port into the bloodstream — for instance, kidney dialysis. Any major open-cavity surgery, on the heart, the lungs, the abdomen. Any surgery on a part of the body that already harbors a population of bacteria: the guts, the bladder, the genitals. Implantable devices: new hips, new knees, new heart valves. Cosmetic plastic surgery. Liposuction. Tattoos.
We’d lose the ability to treat people after traumatic accidents, as major as crashing your car and as minor as your kid falling out of a tree. We’d lose the safety of modern childbirth: Before the antibiotic era, 5 women died out of every 1,000 who gave birth. One out of every nine skin infections killed. Three out of every 10 people who got pneumonia died from it.
And we’d lose, as well, a good portion of our cheap modern food supply. Most of the meat we eat in the industrialized world is raised with the routine use of antibiotics, to fatten livestock and protect them from the conditions in which the animals are raised. Without the drugs that keep livestock healthy in concentrated agriculture, we’d lose the ability to raise them that way. Either animals would sicken, or farmers would have to change their raising practices, spending more money when their margins are thin. Either way, meat — and fish and seafood, also raised with abundant antibiotics in the fish farms of Asia — would become much more expensive.
And it wouldn’t be just meat. Antibiotics are used in plant agriculture as well, especially on fruit. Right now, a drug-resistant version of the bacterial disease fire blight is attacking American apple crops. There’s currently one drug left to fight it. And when major crops are lost, the local farm economy goes too.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

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BBC News - US debt ceiling: Senate rushes to draft fiscal plan

How long until the US declares bankruptcy?  larger and larger political entities are filing all the time (think Detroit).

This isn't sustainable:

Graph showing US debt ceiling and which party holds presidency, House/Senate

Of course the treasury could just create 18 One Trillion dollar coins, and problem solved!  with a minor hit on inflation...

BBC News - US debt ceiling: Senate rushes to draft fiscal plan

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

New $100 bill to debut Tuesday | WTKR.com

New $100 bill to debut Tuesday | WTKR.com

The $100 bill is actually the second most common bill in circulation, behind only the $1 bill. It’s actually slightly more common than the $20 bill. The most recent statistics from the Fed show that as of Dec. 31, there were 10.3 billion $1 bills, in circulation, 8.6 billion $100 bills and 7.4 billion $20 bills, followed by $5′s, $10′s, $50′s and $2′s. A little more than 75% of the more than $1 trillion of currency in circulation is in $100 bills. Much of it is held outside the United States.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Hikers climb fence into Zion National Park in protest of gov't shutdown | ksl.com

Hikers climb fence into Zion National Park in protest of gov't shutdown | ksl.com

Melissa Norris, a St. George resident, was one of the first over the fence Saturday. Like many in the group, she took a trash bag and gloves with her in order to clean up litter on the way out.
When she returned, she chatted briefly with Matthew Chuvarsky, a park ranger who was supposed to work his first season patrolling trails in Zion this year, but instead spent Saturday standing sentinel at the entrance. Together they discussed how a tour bus waiting in the parking lot wouldn't be able to come in before Chuvarsky politely offered to hold Norris' backpack while she climbed back over the gate.
Many park officials are working without pay. Saturday, however, the House of Representatives in Washington, D.C. unanimously voted to guarantee that federal workers will receive back pay when the government shutdown ends. The Senate is expected to follow suit.
Norris called the empty park both eerie and beautiful, "like Zion used to be 20 years ago," and said her visit was worth any ticket she might face.
"I'm concerned, of course, but I knew there were consequences coming in," Norris said. "Shoot, if I have a record at 47 because I made a statement, then I have a record at 47."
Norris said she wasn't sure whether anyone took her picture while she was in the park, but quipped "I hope not, I didn't put on my makeup on this morning."
The park will remain closed until Congress funds the government and restarts federal operations. SR-9, which runs through Zion Park, remains open for travel, but motorists are asked not to stop and access trails.

The Great Chicago Ghost Train Mystery | Motherboard

The Great Chicago Ghost Train Mystery | Motherboard

My week on ‘smart drug’ Modafinil – Milo Yiannopoulos – The Kernel

My week on ‘smart drug’ Modafinil – Milo Yiannopoulos – The Kernel

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

This Tower Exists Solely for Dropping Things | Gizmodo India

This Tower Exists Solely for Dropping Things | Gizmodo India

Lessons in Manliness: The Hobbit

Lessons in Manliness: The Hobbit

Imagine yourself sitting down with your grandkids and telling them the story of you. “Well, I made some money, bought a few cars, sat around and watched TV for a few hours every night, and that’s about it.” Pretty boring, isn’t it? Now imagine that you can start hours worth of stories with, “I explored…I traveled…I fell in love…I fought and won…I overcame…I sweated…” Not only would the story be better, but you likely would be far more satisfied with the course of your life.

No War in Syria | Necesse est ut eam, non ut vivam

No War in Syria | Necesse est ut eam, non ut vivam

iGoogle shutting down :(


Australia had a government shutdown once. In the end, the queen fired everyone in Parliament.

Australia had a government shutdown once. In the end, the queen fired everyone in Parliament.

You might find yourself wishing that the United States could follow Australia's example: Fire everyone in Congress, hold snap elections next month and restart from scratch. But we can't, because we haven't recognized the British monarchy or had a London-appointed governor -general in more than two centuries. Maybe, if we ask nicely, Britain will take us back?

Health Exchange Sites Crushed By Demand; Shutdown Blanks Other Gov't Sites - Slashdot

Health Exchange Sites Crushed By Demand; Shutdown Blanks Other Gov't Sites - Slashdot

"The launch of a national health exchange site was marred by overloaded servers in several states around the country. In a White House press conference, President Obama said that by 7 a.m., there were over a million users, and he likened the capacity problems to the glitches that Apple experienced after discovering bugs in their rlease of iOS 7. 'I don't remember anybody suggesting Apple should stop selling iPhones or iPads, or threatening to shut down company if they didn't,' the president argued."Meanwhile, a number government websites went blank as a result of the shutdown, instead of simply lying dormant until personnel could return. The National Science FoundationNASA, the FCC, and the Library of Congress are a few examples.

Kimmel Asks Americans to Choose: Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act

Kimmel Asks Americans to Choose: Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act

Deadly lake turns animals into statues - environment - 01 October 2013 - New Scientist

Deadly lake turns animals into statues - environment - 01 October 2013 - New Scientist

Coffee vs. beer: Which drink makes you more creative? | ooomf blog

Coffee vs. beer: Which drink makes you more creative? | ooomf blog

Monday, June 3, 2013

My cousin wrote this on FB, it sounds like Israel

So I was watchin some Cops the other day, and let me tell you - late night TV at its finest. But that's besides the point. Fact of the matter is, why is every *alleged* (innocent until proven guilty, this is America goddammit) criminal arrested for assault charged with "aggravated assault". Like I feel like that's such an unfair adjective. Way too universal. Puts every knuckle-sandwichin' American at a disadvantage right off the bat. Because every assault is different, you know? Kinda like sandwiches. Every sandwich is a sandwich, but not every sandwich is a "delicious sandwich". See what I'm sayin? Assault and sandwiches, two peas in a pod. Everybody's not aggravated. Some people are "defensive", some are "menacing", and still others are "high on bath salts". It's just unfair, unjust, and unbelievable that such particular situations are objectified to a single, detrimental descriptive modifier. All I'm sayin is, if I'm ever arrested and charged for assault, I'm telling the po-po straight up: "Sir, with all due respect, I was not aggravated during the assault in question. I was happy as hell! Livin the dream! That was euphoric assault motherfucker!"

Revolutionizing the status quo here, all for the sake of justice.


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Alex Mesa Ticketed For Running Backwards In Miami Beach, Florida

Alex Mesa Ticketed For Running Backwards In Miami Beach, Florida

Robert Rasset Jailed After Toddler Allegedly Found Wandering With Mike's Hard Lemonade

Robert Rasset Jailed After Toddler Allegedly Found Wandering With Mike's Hard Lemonade

Mother Declares Her Children Are "the Biggest Regret of Her Life" | Parenting - Yahoo! Shine

Mother Declares Her Children Are "the Biggest Regret of Her Life" | Parenting - Yahoo! Shine

Teen, Eats Only Ramen, Has Health of 80 Year Old 

Teen's Strange Ramen Addiction  | Healthy Living - Yahoo! Shine

BBC News - Google launches tool to determine data use after death

BBC News - Google launches tool to determine data use after death

Vietnamese bridge is a giant fire-breathing dragon (Wired UK)

Vietnamese bridge is a giant fire-breathing dragon (Wired UK)

ThinkGeek :: ThinkGeek BuckyBall Voluntary Recall

I should stock up and sell them off 20 years from now!!  Kind of reminds me of Jarts (which I'm still looking for).

In case you're not aware, we have decided to publicly announce our participation in a recall for Buckyballs and Buckycubes along with several other retailers. We chose to participate because of the recent actions and findings of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), which found that ingestion of Buckyballs and Buckycubes can result in serious internal injuries that can lead to death if left untreated. Unfortunately, at this time, the number of incidents causing injuries continues to rise.
We are emailing you today because you've purchased Buckyballs and Buckycubes from us in the past, so we'd like to offer you ThinkGeek credit towards a future purchase.
You can find more information on our recall and how to participate here:ThinkGeek Buckyball and Buckycube FAQ.
If you have any questions, please call us at 1-888-GEEK STUFF (1-888-433-5788). Our Customer Service monkeys are standing by.
Thanks and don't forget to be awesome,
Kirk L. Somers, Esq.
ThinkGeek General Counsel

ThinkGeek :: ThinkGeek BuckyBall Voluntary Recall FAQ

100 Wild Huts: Wild Hut 19

100 Wild Huts: Wild Hut 19

Moniker - T A Y L O R | S I M P S O N | D E S I G N


Moniker - T A Y L O R | S I M P S O N | D E S I G N

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

IRS Can Read Your Email Without Warrant - Slashdot

IRS Can Read Your Email Without Warrant - Slashdot

These People are Crazy! Right?!?

College Illinois! is a prepaid college tuition program that helps you save thousands of dollars on your child’s future education. Get started now and pay as little as $44/month!*

* Based on current monthly installment cost on a one-semester community college contract.

** Projected savings on future tuition and fees at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Based on tuition assumptions contained in the June 30, 2012, Actuarial Valuation and Soundness Report. Actual savings may be different than projected and may be affected by market conditions and/or legislative action. Average annualized tuition inflation for 4-year Illinois public universities was 9.6% for the 10-year period through academic year 2012-2013.

Holy Crap!

Plan Choices

Why do trains stay on the track as they go around a curve?

Why do trains stay on the track as they go around a curve? - Boing Boing

Should You Pay $250k to Go to College? No.

Interesting POV

Should You Pay $250k to Go to College? - LAUNCH -